The Qiu lab conducted field sampling supported by the NASA project

Supported by the NASA project, graduate students and undergraduate tech in the lab conducted field sampling on forest regeneration across the Pennsylvania. Fieldwork in ecological sampling is always an adventure! You’re deep in the forest, surrounded by the calls of birds, rustling leaves, and the scent of earth, collecting crucial data on forest regeneration capacity. You’ve trekked for hours, carefully marking your plots and recording observations—everything’s going great.

Hiking in the forest is an advanture!
Hiking in the forest is an advanture!

But then, the trusty field vehicle that was supposed to carry you (and all your equipment) back home suddenly decides it’s had enough and sinks into a patch of thick mud. After a few hopeful revs and fruitless attempts to free it, you realize it’s time to call for backup. Enter Twoing Company, the unsung heroes of field researchers. They navigate the labyrinth of forest trails to pull your car out of its muddy predicament, like knights rescuing a stranded eco-warrior.

Shiqi, Yu, AJ, and Kingston were waiting for the towing car while Hanshi took a selfie of the group
Shiqi, Yu, AJ, and Kingston were waiting for the towing car while Hanshi took a selfie of the group

Tong Qiu
Tong Qiu
Assistant Professor of Ecology

I study impacts of global change on ecosystem functions.